Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Handbook: Cashier Guidelines and Functions

Cashier Guidelines & Functions
Listed below are the Cash Handling Guidelines. As a cashier, you are required to adhere to these at all times as you, the cashier, are responsible for all funds while they are in your possession.
1. Cashiers are to count and sign for their banks at the beginning of their shift in the presence of management.
2. Cashiers are to initial the cashier log and set up the register before beginning a shift.
3. Cashiers are to ensure that the correct date and time is set on the register.
4. Cashiers are required to ring in all sales immediately with no delay.
5. If register does not have a register display showing charges and totals facing customer, a receipt is to be provided.
6. Cashiers are to close the register drawer between each transaction.
7. Cashiers are to place bills on ledge of register until transaction is completed.
8. Cashiers are to use the “tender” key only after all money has been received from the customer.
9. Cashiers are not to leave the registers unattended with the key in. When unattended, cash registers are to be locked and all keys removed.
10. Only one person is to work from a cash register drawer during a shift.
11. Cashiers are to ring in sales accurately at all times. Cashiers are responsible for knowing the prices of items on the menu. If the customer is purchasing something in a closed container, the cashier is to ask the customer to open the container to view its contents.
12. Cashiers and management are to count closing cash in each others presence and co-sign daily receipts.
13. Cashiers are to be held accountable for over/shorts according to Sodexo Policy.
14. Overrings are to be approved by management by the end of each day. All overrings are to be documented by the cashier, as they occur, on the Overring Record. The void key is not to be used.
15. Cashiers are not to read their own registers at the end of their shift.
16. Cashiers are subject to unannounced audits at any time by authorized Sodexo management.
17. All credit cards accepted for payment are to have a current date and be signed. The cardholder’s copy of the receipt must block out all but the last 4 digits of the account number, and suppress the expiration date.
18. Observe the following for Charge Sales:
• Charge sales are to be rung up in a similar manner to cash sales.
• Each transaction is to be accompanied by a supporting receipt, guest ticket, coupon, etc.
• The supporting charge sales document is to be held in a separate section of the register.
19. Cashiers are not to accept personal checks. The unit manager is responsible for changing check acceptance policies in compliance with client requirements. Payroll checks for Sodexo employees will not be cashed. Personal checks will not be cashed for “cash only”.
20. Cashiers are to notify a manager immediately if a customer complains of being shortchanged.
21. Cashiers are to place “cash pulls” in a tamper proof deposit bag and initial bag before giving to manager to place in safe.
22. There is to be no commingling of personal funds and Sodexo funds at any time.

Miscellaneous Cashier Rules
1. No personal items are to be kept at the register station. This includes wallets, purses, handbags, backpacks, coats, etc.
2. Cashiers are not to allow anyone to loiter at the registers and are not to have personal conversations while at the register.
3. Break times are to be strictly adhered to by all cashiers.
4. Cashiers are not to eat anything while at the register.
5. Cashiers are to wear identifying name tags at all times.
6. Cashiers are not to ring in their own purchases.
In addition, as employees of the Brew Cafes, tips cannot be accepted. If a customer offers a tip, please politely decline and explain that you cannot accept tips.
Please remember the following when counting, handling, or transporting cash:
· Never talk about cash or the amount of cash you handle.
· Never count cash in plain view. There is a designated cash counting room, on the 2nd floor of the AMU, adjacent to the Marquette Place Kitchen.
· Do not carry bank bags in the open. Conceal them in a back pack or bag.
· Never keep cash or valuables in desks or storage areas. Always secure the cash counting office when counting cash.
· Always complete cashier worksheets neatly, in pen, and follow deposit procedures.
· Always be aware of your surroundings when counting, handling, or transporting cash.
· Never give out change. You are not authorized to open the register unless you are making a sale. If a customer asks for change, please direct them to US Bank, or a change machine, located by the vending machines across from Natural Market.
· Always print receipts for Marquette House Account Transactions and staple to meal tickets. Meal Tickets must go in a separate envelope to be charged off to the appropriate house account. Also, ask the customer to sign the back of the punch card upon redemption and print and staple the receipt to the signed card. Also, print a receipt for all overring transactions and document on overring record.

Cashier Register Functions
Below are step-by-step instructions for the various register functions that will need to be performed as a cashier.
Reusable Mug Discount Ring in Beverage
AMU Employee / MU Alumni Discount
Ring in Item(s) Press ALUMNI 1O%
Only ONE discount per customer
Coffee Card Redemption
Ring In Beverage
Have Customer Sign Back of Card
Press CASH
Press Receipt
Staple Receipt to Signed Coffee Card
Meal Ticket Redemption
Ring In Item(s)
Swipe Cashier Card
Perform Over Ring
Press CASH
Fill Out Over Ring Record
Unit Name/Number MU/Brew O18
Register Number 1
Shift 1, 2, or 3
W/E Date The next Thursday Date Today’s Date Amount see Due line
Tax see Tax line
Trans # Last 4 digits below date
Cashier’s Signature
*Over rings greater than $1O must be approved by a Supervisor*

Manager Register Functions
The below functions are reserved for those with Manager Privileges and the cashier on duty must request these functions when necessary. The Manager, Supervisors, and Student Managers are assigned Manager Privileges.
Turning printer on & off
Running Drawer Report / X Report
Running Sales Report & Resetting Register / Z Report
Transmitting Credit Card Batch Settlement

Discounts & Specials
· 2 Punch Tuesday — Receive 2 punches on your punch card with the purchase of any coffee, tea, or espresso drink.
· $1 Coffee Friday — Purchase any size of regular drip coffee for $1.00.
· Reusable Mug Discount — Receive 25¢ off any beverage, when served in their reusable mug.
· AMU & Alumni Discount — All AMU Employees receive a 10% discount when they show their AMU Fun Card. All Marquette Alumni receive a 10% discount when they show their Marquette University Alumni Card.
Each customer that is eligible for a discount (AMU employee or Alumni, etc.) can receive either their AMU discount or the daily special discount, but not both. There are NO multiple discounts.