Friday, February 26, 2010

March is Just About Here...

Hey Baristas!
March is just about here and we have some great new offerings at the Brews!
Brew Special: Nutty Irishman Latte
White Chocolate, Irish Cream, Hazelnut
SCC: Snickers Latte
Chocolate, Caramel, Hazelnut
Coffee Bakery Combo: 16oz Fresh Coffee and a Shamrock Cookie
We are also going to be offering a Green Tea Matcha Latte made with traditional Japanese sweet matcha powder and steamed milk. We've also decided to try to offer a healthier option on one of our most popular specials! We'll be offering the Twisted Vanilla Nut Lean Latte featuring skim milk, sugar free syrups, and powdered cinnamon. These two, the Matcha Latte and Lean Latte, will currently only be offered at the Bayou but will hopefully be placed on the permanent menu if they are popular!
Lastly, all locations are now equipped with up-to-date Opening, Closing, and Daily Duties lists. It is the opener's and closer's responsibility to initial with a dry-erase marker the duties as they do them. During the day, the shifts have been broken up and given duties to ensure the cafes are as clean and wonderful as they should be! If there are any questions regarding these, talk to a Manager, Supervisor, or Student Manager! Welcome to March!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sustianability Efforts

Hi Everyone!
After All Staff I heard a lot of good buzz about the Sustainability Pledge and new ideas surrounding that. It's great! However, if we want to do more we need to start small. Starting with:
Bakery and Smart Market Tracking Logs:
These are so important to knowing that we are getting what we ordered and knowing what we need to back down to avoid waste. The openers are doing a great job tracking what we are getting, however, the closers need some work on counting left-overs. There are a few different locations that have nothing marked for closing. Even if you throw nothing away, write in "0" so we know!
We've been getting a lot of requests for garbage bags. Thank you! This shows that you guys are trying to use the correct bag so baristas and custodial staff know what is what. Great job and keep it up!
Sustainable Cups and Mugs:
I want to call out Sullivan Oakley as a GREAT example regarding sustainable cups and mugs. Nearly every shift she brings her Nalgene bottle for water instead of using a Pepsi cup. I know many other baristas do that as well, but I wanted to point out a stellar example of thinking ahead. Let's all try to continue our efforts to cut down on waste.
Sustainability Focus Group:
If you have not signed the Pledge, please do so ASAP. It is posted in the cash office to be read, reviewed, and signed. After Spring Break we will be holding a Sustainability Focus Group and Brainstorming Session. This is to gain ideas for research once we have the basics down. Ideas include composting, gardening, etc. Brianstorming and research will gain us the ability to implement further ideas once we have laid the groundwork.
Keep up the great work and let's challenge each other to do bigger and better things!