Friday, March 4, 2011

New Month and New Stuff!

Hey Brew Crew!
This first week of March just zipped by! I hope you were able to attend the first mandatory Safety Meeting, but if not, there are 2 more opportunities - Tues, March 8th 3:30-4:00p and Thurs, March 10 9:00-9:30a. If you haven't noticed, we also started a few new specials. They are listed below:
Brew Latte - Nutty Irishman (White Chocolate, Irish Cream, Hazelnut)

Brew Latte 2 - Snickers (Milk Chocolate, Caramel, Hazelnut)

Mild - Organic Peru
Medium - BREW N' GOLD (Same blend as Jesuit Joe - with a NEW Marquette Commemorative Label)
Dark - Winter Blend
Decaf - Decaf Guatemala

At all the Brews we will also be celebrating Mardi Gras with Lemon-Filled Paczkis. They are similar to lemon-fill donuts but are often found at New Orleans Mardi Gras celebrations!

Lastly, we are going to be trying out a few new products in the next weeks. Keep an eye out for Funky Monkey Dried Fruit and Oskri Sesame Bars. The sesame bars will be offered near the other Luna, Clif, and Gnu bars and will be a meal exchange option.
Have a great weekend and thanks for all of your hard work!