Friday, October 14, 2011

B.O.D EVENTS! And other goings-on...

Hi Brew Team!
The next few weeks have a slew of Battle of Departments events for everyone to participate in. They are as follows:
Wednesday, 10/26: Fall All-University Blood Drive 11am-7pm, Ballroom AB

Donors can indicate their department via online registration or on-site registration

Thursday, 10/27: Pumpkin Decorating 7pm-9pm , Lunda Room

Thursday, 11/17: Wear your Department/AMU T-shirt day! This one EVERYONE should participate in since if you're headed to or coming from work, you are most-definitely wearing your Brew shirt!

November 28th - December 2nd:  Food Drive

Please participate in these upcoming events to gain the Brew point in the Battle but also to get to know fellow Brewistas you may not know yet.

Lastly, next week is Fall Break! Good luck on Mid-Terms and thank you to those who will be working with us at the Brew Bayou during Fall Break!