Friday, April 30, 2010

May Specials and New Products

Hi All!
Below are listed the new May Specials and a list of new products that will be introduced to the Brew Bayou within the next week. Please take a close look since all of this information will help you do your job the best you can. Many of our specials are based on this month's Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Brew Drink Special: Mexican Hot Chocolate Breve
1 pump dark chocolate
1 1/2 pumps vanilla
1 1/2 pumps cinnamon
2 shots of espresso
Steamed half & half
Topped with Powdered Cinnamon

Stone Creek Drink Special: Boston Latte (same as April)

Bakery and Coffee Combo: 16oz Coffee and a South of the Boarder Brownie
The brownie is made with dark chocolate and cayenne pepper to give it an extra kick.

Cinco de Mayo Special: Churro!
On Wednesday, May 5th only, we will be offering fresh cinnamon churros at Brew @ the Bridge, Brew Cudahy, and Brew Bayou. They're only $1 each.

New Retail Offerings:
We will be offering a few new items for our customers to be able to take home and brew their favorite coffees and teas. We are also going to continue to sell not only the bulk bagged coffees on our retail shelves but also any coffees we are currently brewing. Please make sure that if a customer asks to have their coffee ground, that you ask what kind of brewing method they use and grind it to the right consistency. Below are listed the new items you'll be seeing in the Brew Bayou:
-Glass Tea Pitcher with Infuser
-Individual Tea Infusers
-1oz bulk loose leaf tea
-Pour-Over Brewer
-Pour-Over Brewer Filters
-Pour-Over Brewer and Filter Set
-French Press

We're also bringing in a few new snack items to offer different and/or healthy options to our customers. We will be offering pre-bagged wasabi peas, nuts, and small bags of chocolates. These will have our Brew logo on them and will also be offered in a sample pack. There will also be bags of dried fruit as well.