Thursday, October 22, 2009

Clean Up Everyone! Clean Up!

Hi Brewistas!
Sub Shifts
Everyone is doing a great job with discussing their schedule needs with Brew Management, however, we need everyone to remember that you signed on to the shifts you have. If they no longer work, we'll try to accommodate you. However, you are only allowed 8 sub requests a term. Any more and there will have to be disciplinary actions taken. Keep this in mind.
Brew Upkeep
Once again, we are totally impressed with the level of work our baristas and dteam-ers are putting in, however, this shouldn't stop once you step out from behind the counter. Customer service is the most important part of your job... and who wants to sit at dirty tables and use a gross condiment bar? No one! Everyone needs to really start stepping out from behind the bar a few times during their shift. Wiping tables, filling sugars, picking up stir sticks from the floor is all a part of your job description. It might not be glamorous, but its a necessity.
Mandatory Safety Training
There are mandatory safety trainings twice a month now for all Sodexo employees. As you are Sodexo employees - this means you! You only have to attend one of the two options per month, but these are not optional. The first ones are going to be in November.
Friday, November 6th 2:30-3:00pm in AMU 227
Monday, November 9th 2:20-3:00pm in AMU Ballroom E
Please talk to your mentor student manager, supervisor, or Kathy if you have any issues. You must go to either Friday's or Monday's session.

Enjoy your fall break!!